Knitting Angel

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Away at my Sisters until after Christmas

Hello Secret pal,
I most likely will not get the package before Christmas. I am currently at my sisters about 3 hours from my home and will be here until after Christmas. Our mom, who I lived with in my city passed away in January of this year and this is the first Christmas without her. So I came to my sister's to spend the time with her. Mom was in a nursing home for the last 26 months of her life, but still, I was able to go and see her. She loved Christmas so much and loved decorating for it. The house is pretty much decorated the way that it was when she was there. I have made a few changes to make the decorations "mine". When I get home, I will take some photos of the decor and post them here.

Keep writing, however, cos as you can tell, I do have computer access!!



  • At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i lost my mom in 1998 and it is still really hard for me to think about her not being here, especially during the holidays. my mom loved this season also, and went all out for decorating. anyway, i can't wait to see pics of your holiday decor! i'll have to take some of us in front of the christmas tree. and be sure to tell katie there is a goodie or two headed her way, as well!
    your kr secret pal :)

  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Kimberly said…

    Glad you have your sister to share with you.

    Can't wait to see pictures of the decorations. I'll bet they are beautiful.

    I lost my grandmother when I was 21. She and I were extremely close. She used to decorate and bake like crazy during the holidays. I still miss her.

    Thanks for sharing about your mom.

    Please know her love still lives and shines in you.

  • At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    there's another package on the way! it should be at the post office by the time you are back and can pick it up. there's a slight delay in katie's goodies, but they will be following shortly. merry christmas is just around the corner.... yippee!
    your kr secret pal


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